If you’re a business owner, you need to know how important Google reviews are to your business. They not only help your business establish trust, but they also affect your ranking in Google Maps. In today’s online marketplace, many businesses don’t realize how crucial it is to get their customers to leave them a review. Even when they do know it’s important, many don’t know how to get more Google reviews.
Why are Google reviews so important?
Did you know that 90% of customers read reviews before they call you or send you an email? People use reviews to make decisions just like they used to ask friends for recommendations. In fact, 88% of customers trust reviews as much as a personal recommendation.
Google reviews are often the first thing potential customers see when searching for your product or service. This is why getting your customers to leave you a Google review is so important.
So how do you get more Google reviews for your business?
After researching this topic and experimenting on my own, I will tell you, it’s not as complicated as you think. However, it does require that you make getting more Google reviews a priority for your business so let’s start with that.
Make Google reviews a priority for your business.
If you’re a solopreneur like me, getting Google reviews is all on you. Most small businesses have a team. Even if you have a small team, get your entire team on board with this objective. Once a month, have a meeting to brainstorm ideas for how to get more Google reviews.
Ask your team members to help you with ways to get more Google reviews. Then measure and track your progress. This will allow you to pinpoint the strategies that are working for your business and praise your team for their efforts.
To get your team excited about improving your online presence, you must get them involved. Generic requests for Google reviews are not as effective as personal ones. This is why it’s important for you to get your employees to ask customers to leave a review.
Tips for asking for Google reviews
Ask the right customers.
It might seem like a good idea to ask everyone for a Google review, but Google reviews aren’t a numbers game. You don’t just want to get more reviews; you want great reviews. So before you go crazy asking every single person you’ve ever done business with to leave you a Google review, think about which customers are your happiest customers —the ones who would naturally leave you a good review.
Ask them after they’ve made a second purchase.
You may be tempted to ask a client or customer for a review right after they’ve made a purchase or used your services. But, generally, the best time to get a positive review from a client is when they’ve come back to you a second time. For example, they purchased a second item, called for additional services, or sent a referral your way. This is when you know they are one of your loyal customers. You don’t want “meh” reviews or negative reviews so your best bet is to target your repeat customers.
Make it personal.
Everyone responds better to personal messages and requests. Don’t send a customer a generic automated email. While automation can be helpful when it comes to getting more Google reviews, personal requests are usually more effective. If you send an email be sure to use their name in the subject of the email, and personalize the message. Using someone’s name in an email creates a psychological cue that people are more likely to respond to.
If you want someone to help you out, then start with a compliment. People love compliments. When you tell someone how much you value their business and loyalty, you make them feel important. Then, ask for a favor — if they will help you out and leave you a Google review. Be sure to explain why it’s important and how much you appreciate the business. Be sure to be polite and thank them for their help.
If you ask a customer for a Google review in conversation, follow up with a text or email. If you ask for a review in person, there is a good chance they will forget about it later. You want to make the process easy and convenient for them, so send a follow-up email or text with a link so that they can easily leave a review.
How to Get Even More Google Reviews:
Okay, so asking for reviews is one of the best ways to get Google reviews. However, there are other things a business can do to supercharge the process of getting more Google reviews. One of these is making the process easy, convenient, and easy for your customers to respond to.
Focus on the Why: Why Do people leave positive Google Reviews?
In most cases it’s one of two reasons, you absolutely love the business or they asked you to leave a review.
Most of the tips on how to get more Google reviews tend to focus exclusively on the process of getting reviews but not on why people leave reviews.
I want you to think about when and why you’ve left a Google review for another business. What prompted you to do it? People leave positive reviews in Google Maps very infrequently. It’s much easier to get a negative review than a positive. How often have you left a positive review of a business and why?
So what do you do to get more reviews? Make a strong positive impression on your customers and clients, and ask them for a review!
Make it Easy!
Have you ever told someone you’d leave a Google review and then just not got around to it? I know I am guilty. Even though I know how important it is for their business, even though I like their business, I just don’t get around to it. In order for you to make time to write a review for someone’s business, you have to take a few minutes away from your own busy schedule. And, a lot of us just don’t.
How can you get more people to make time for you? Make it easy for them. If they have to get on Google, search for your business, and then leave a review, well, it might never happen. So, when you ask for a review email or text them with a direct link to your Google Review. This way they can conveniently write a review for you.
How to get the direct link to your Google Reviews form.
Google has recently updated Google My Business. It’s now called Google Business Profiles and it’s easier than ever to get to. If you’ve followed an outdated tutorial on this, you’ll notice you can’t find a direct link to share your Google Review form in your Google Business Profile.

When you click on “Share review form” you can share your link on social media or email, but they don’t provide a quick copy and paste link you can share.

It’s now easier to manage your Google Business profile. You can go to it directly in Google. Just do a search for your business and look for your profile on the side of your browser. Scroll down and you’ll see the option Get More reviews.

Click on Get More reviews and copy and paste the link. This link is a shortcut that will take your clients directly to your review form. You want to use this URL when you email customers requesting a Google review.

Follow up on Google Review requests
Do not feel like you are being a pest. People get busy and forget to write your review. Even if you ask nicely, even if your customer loves you, they still might get busy and just forget to leave you a review. This is why you have to follow up. And, you might have to follow up more than once.
Keep a note of people you’ve contacted. You don’t want to be demanding or too annoying but a couple of follow-ups may be needed. If your customer truly loves you they won’t mind you asking a second time. Just make sure you are polite in your messaging and don’t send more than 3 or 4 messages.
Add a QR code or link to your business cards
If you want to boost your Google reviews, you can try this. Add a message on your business card that says “Leave us a Google review”. You can add a link or a QR code that links your customer directly to your Google review form. When you talk to your customers, hand them your card and ask them to leave you a Google review.
Add a note in your email signature
One of the easiest ways to get more reviews is to add a link in your email signature. This way every time someone gets an email from you, they are reminded that you’d like a Google review.
Add a link on your website
Add a link to your Google reviews form on your website. You can add an image to the bottom of your site that says leave us a Google review. Or add a link to your Google review form on your testimonials page. This way your customers can leave you a Google review directly from your website.
What do you do if you get negative reviews?
Look, it’s bound to happen. Even if you have an excellent business somebody might leave you a negative review. Before you panic, remember that people read both the negative and positive reviews. They look at how you respond to them, more than the number of stars you have.
If you get a negative review, your potential customers are also looking to see how you handle it. Believe it or not, by responding professionally, courteously, and calmly, you can actually earn new customers. People may admire how you handled a bad review and find you more credible because of it.

I am Patty Malowney, the creator of Badass Web Goddess. I am an Albuquerque SEO and digital marketing consultant. I started my first internet business in 2004 with a $40 garage sale computer and a whole lot of determination. I sold my first website, JustMommies.com to the dating company eHarmony.com in 2008. My website was acquired by another company where I worked as a consultant and editor until July, 2019.
After encouragement from friends and family, I decided to branch out on my own and start my own consulting business. I offer advice and services to local businesses on how they can rank better in Google.
In addition to running Badass Web Goddess, I am an avid blogger. I run several blogs including my internet marketing blog here at Badass Web Goddess. If you love my blog, Follow Me on Facebook or Twitter!